  • Versele Laga Exotic Nut Mix 750g

    Versele Laga

    Versele Laga Exotic Nut Mix 750g

    Versele Laga Exotic Nut Mix is a deliciously crunchy treat that parrots & large parakeets adore. The mixture uses a wide range of whole nuts including walnuts almonds & pecan nuts to help keep the birds interest.Ideally used as a reward or mixed...

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  • VL Exotic Fruit Mix 600g

    Versele Laga

    VL Exotic Fruit Mix 600g

    Versele Laga Exotic Fruit Mix is a sweet natural treat that parrots & large parakeets adore. The mixture includes a range of tropical fruits like papaya pineapple & apricot that the birds will stay well behaved for a nibble.This mix can be given...

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  • VL Mountain Hay Herbs

    Versele Laga

    VL Mountain Hay Herbs

    Versele Laga Mountain Hay with Herbs guarantees a rich botanical diversity providing a wide range of small animals with a solid support for the digestive system as well as plenty of dental care. The hay should always be supplied in the house of your pet...

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  • Versele Laga Prestige Millet Spray Bird Treat 1kg

    Versele Laga

    Versele Laga Prestige Millet Spray Bird Treat 1kg

    Versele Laga Prestige Millet Spray Bird Treats are excellent quality sprays that are the perfect treat for birds that you would prefer to feed natural treats rather than bars or bells.The millet sprays allow birds to act instinctively & pack away at...

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  • VL Complete Chinchilla 6x500g

    Versele Laga

    VL Complete Chinchilla 6x500g

    Versele Laga Complete Chinchilla and Degu is a complete feed adapted to the nutritional requirements of chinchillas and degus to support digestive heath and wellbeing.No added sugarContains linseed as a source of omega 3Building blocks for a healthy...

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  • VL Frutti Patee

    Versele-Laga Orlux

    VL Frutti Patee

    Versele Laga Orlux Frutti Patee is a multi-colour conditioning food to bring extra energy to your canaries tropical finches and small parakeets. It is also a well-accepted titbit for pet birds. Frutti patee is enriched with dried fruit. This...

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  • Versele Laga Exotic Nut Mix 750g

    Versele Laga

    Versele Laga Exotic Nut Mix 750g

    Versele Laga Exotic Nut Mix is a deliciously crunchy treat that parrots & large parakeets adore. The mixture uses a wide range of whole nuts including walnuts almonds & pecan nuts to help keep the birds interest.Ideally used as a reward or mixed...

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  • VL Exotic Fruit Mix 600g

    Versele Laga

    VL Exotic Fruit Mix 600g

    Versele Laga Exotic Fruit Mix is a sweet natural treat that parrots & large parakeets adore. The mixture includes a range of tropical fruits like papaya pineapple & apricot that the birds will stay well behaved for a nibble.This mix can be given...

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  • VL Mountain Hay Herbs

    Versele Laga

    VL Mountain Hay Herbs

    Versele Laga Mountain Hay with Herbs guarantees a rich botanical diversity providing a wide range of small animals with a solid support for the digestive system as well as plenty of dental care. The hay should always be supplied in the house of your pet...

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  • Versele Laga Prestige Millet Spray Bird Treat 1kg

    Versele Laga

    Versele Laga Prestige Millet Spray Bird Treat 1kg

    Versele Laga Prestige Millet Spray Bird Treats are excellent quality sprays that are the perfect treat for birds that you would prefer to feed natural treats rather than bars or bells.The millet sprays allow birds to act instinctively & pack away at...

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  • VL Complete Chinchilla 6x500g

    Versele Laga

    VL Complete Chinchilla 6x500g

    Versele Laga Complete Chinchilla and Degu is a complete feed adapted to the nutritional requirements of chinchillas and degus to support digestive heath and wellbeing.No added sugarContains linseed as a source of omega 3Building blocks for a healthy...

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  • VL Frutti Patee

    Versele-Laga Orlux

    VL Frutti Patee

    Versele Laga Orlux Frutti Patee is a multi-colour conditioning food to bring extra energy to your canaries tropical finches and small parakeets. It is also a well-accepted titbit for pet birds. Frutti patee is enriched with dried fruit. This...

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