  • Pet Remedy Plug in Refill 2x40ml

    Pet Remedy

    Pet Remedy Plug in Refill 2x40ml

    Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm ( via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated...

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  • Vetbed Charc Polka Red Nonslip 26x20inch


    Vetbed Charc Polka Red Nonslip 26x20inch

    VetBed Polka Nonslip. Vetbed is a versatile & practical bed that provides a comfortable place for pets to choose to lay on  instead of the floor or as an extra comfy layer in crates beds & furniture. vetbed® gives dogs a place of their own...

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  • Vetbed Grey Paws/Stars Nonslip 26x20"


    Vetbed Grey Paws/Stars Nonslip 26x20"

    Vetbed Grey with Black Paws & White Stars Non Slip Vetbed for dog and cat bedding and can be used for rabbits. A further development from our Original Vetbed made with a non-slip backing which is more suited to wooden or tiled flooring. Please click...

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  • Harkers 4 In 1 Soluble


    Harkers 4 In 1 Soluble

    Harkers 4 in 1 Soluble. Harkers 4 in 1 Soluble is for the treatment and prevention of canker coccidiosis worms and external parasites (lice and mites) in racing pigeons via the drinking water.Harkers 4 in 1 Soluble has won the Best Bird category at PATS...

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  • Vetbed Brn Polka Blue Nonslip 26x20inch


    Vetbed Brn Polka Blue Nonslip 26x20inch

    VetBed Polka Nonslip. Vetbed is a versatile & practical bed that provides a comfortable place for pets to choose to lay on  instead of the floor or as an extra comfy layer in crates beds & furniture. vetbed® gives dogs a place of their own...

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  • Pet Remedy Plug in Refill 2x40ml

    Pet Remedy

    Pet Remedy Plug in Refill 2x40ml

    Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm ( via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated...

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  • Vetbed Charc Polka Red Nonslip 26x20inch


    Vetbed Charc Polka Red Nonslip 26x20inch

    VetBed Polka Nonslip. Vetbed is a versatile & practical bed that provides a comfortable place for pets to choose to lay on  instead of the floor or as an extra comfy layer in crates beds & furniture. vetbed® gives dogs a place of their own...

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  • Vetbed Grey Paws/Stars Nonslip 26x20"


    Vetbed Grey Paws/Stars Nonslip 26x20"

    Vetbed Grey with Black Paws & White Stars Non Slip Vetbed for dog and cat bedding and can be used for rabbits. A further development from our Original Vetbed made with a non-slip backing which is more suited to wooden or tiled flooring. Please click...

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  • Harkers 4 In 1 Soluble


    Harkers 4 In 1 Soluble

    Harkers 4 in 1 Soluble. Harkers 4 in 1 Soluble is for the treatment and prevention of canker coccidiosis worms and external parasites (lice and mites) in racing pigeons via the drinking water.Harkers 4 in 1 Soluble has won the Best Bird category at PATS...

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  • Vetbed Brn Polka Blue Nonslip 26x20inch


    Vetbed Brn Polka Blue Nonslip 26x20inch

    VetBed Polka Nonslip. Vetbed is a versatile & practical bed that provides a comfortable place for pets to choose to lay on  instead of the floor or as an extra comfy layer in crates beds & furniture. vetbed® gives dogs a place of their own...

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