Dog Health Care

  • Pet Remedy Atomiser + 250ml

    Pet Remedy

    Pet Remedy Atomiser + 250ml

    Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm ( via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated...

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  • JVP Dog 1 Dose Wormer Size 3 4Tab x6

    Johnsons Veterinary Products

    JVP Dog 1 Dose Wormer Size 3 4Tab x6

    JVP Dog One Dose Wormer Tablets. A single dose treatment to kill roundworms tapeworms and hookworm.SizesSize 1   Puppies & Small Dog   up to 8kgSize 2   Medium Dogs   up to 10kgSize 3   Large...

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  • Beaphar Toothbrush & Toothpaste x6


    Beaphar Toothbrush & Toothpaste x6

    Beaphar Toothbrush & Toothpaste plus regular brushing will help to prevent dental problems developing and the need for expensive treatment. Early plaque formation should be brushed away in order to prevent bad breath and tooth decay. Oral hygiene can...

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  • Ancol Lit Stinker Paw & Nose Balm 6x50g


    Ancol Lit Stinker Paw & Nose Balm 6x50g

    Ancol Little Stinker Unscented Paw & Nose Balm. Designed to soothe and moisturise. Helps repair and nourish cracked skin. Chemical free and most importantly like-safe formula. Manufactured in England.

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  • Pet Remedy Atomiser + 250ml

    Pet Remedy

    Pet Remedy Atomiser + 250ml

    Pet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural messengers called neuro-transmitters which work by telling the nerve receiving the message either to calm ( via GABA pathway) or get ‘fired up’. In times of stress or anxiety the nerves get over stimulated...

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  • JVP Dog 1 Dose Wormer Size 3 4Tab x6

    Johnsons Veterinary Products

    JVP Dog 1 Dose Wormer Size 3 4Tab x6

    JVP Dog One Dose Wormer Tablets. A single dose treatment to kill roundworms tapeworms and hookworm.SizesSize 1   Puppies & Small Dog   up to 8kgSize 2   Medium Dogs   up to 10kgSize 3   Large...

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  • Beaphar Toothbrush & Toothpaste x6


    Beaphar Toothbrush & Toothpaste x6

    Beaphar Toothbrush & Toothpaste plus regular brushing will help to prevent dental problems developing and the need for expensive treatment. Early plaque formation should be brushed away in order to prevent bad breath and tooth decay. Oral hygiene can...

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  • Ancol Lit Stinker Paw & Nose Balm 6x50g


    Ancol Lit Stinker Paw & Nose Balm 6x50g

    Ancol Little Stinker Unscented Paw & Nose Balm. Designed to soothe and moisturise. Helps repair and nourish cracked skin. Chemical free and most importantly like-safe formula. Manufactured in England.

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